-> Kharkiv Classyard School

Honorable Mention - High School Design for Kharkiv Competition

Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kharkiv’s educational demands present a unique chance to reimagine the school as a learning space that is not only safe and secure but also open and inviting. The former courtyard is turned into a vibrant sunflower garden and the school radiates around it, shaping the environment into a community hub replete with engaging, playful areas, diverging from the traditional model of isolated classroom containers.
Openness and Community Engagement: Moving away from a fortress-like appearance, the school embraces open, welcoming spaces such as gardens and play areas with their own identity. These areas serve as tranquil retreats for relaxation and social interaction, fostering a strong sense of community and belonging.

Efficient Spatial Design: The school’s structure is optimized to reduce its
physical footprint while expanding the available area for recreational activities. Classrooms are designed with protective roofing and adjacent open gardens, creating a versatile and dynamic learning environment that seamlessly integrates indoor and outdoor spaces.